Why do greyhounds ‘roach’, know what it is?

By gapnsw.com.au
September 29, 2022 11:00
If you’re lucky enough to be the owner of a greyhound, you will know that they are a very quirky and unique breed of canine! From the bloody curdling GSOD, to the very odd and unexplained teeth chattering – greyhounds are one of a kind.

Roaching is another quirk that appears to be unique to greyhounds. Roaching is when greyhounds lay on their backs with their legs in the air (similar to a dying cockroach – hence the name) and seemingly sleep in the upside-down position.

Whilst there is no real explanation for why greyhounds like roaching (as is the case with a lot of their other quirks), roaching is a sign that your hound is feeling happy, safe and comfortable in their environment, as exposing their bellies in the wild can leave them in a vulnerable position.

It's a common belief that greyhounds will roach in an attempt to cool down if they become too hot. This is due to the fact that the hair on their belly is thin, and they have blood vessels very close to the skin's surface. If they cool this part of their body, it essentially cools the blood that runs to the rest of their body.

It’s also believed that greyhounds will roach as a way to scratch their extra long backs. Since they have low body fat, their nerves sit much closer to the surface so the ‘roach scratch’ puts them in complete ecstasy.

If you’re the owner of a greyhound that doesn’t roach – this doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t feel safe and comfortable in your home. Not all greyhounds will roach so if yours doesn’t don’t worry J.