GRNSW Greyhounds As Pets is supported by some loyal sponsors and partners, however you can still assist the program through a kind donation. All donations, no matter how small or large are greatly appreciated and go a long way to assisting the Greyhounds in our care.
CHEQUE: Please make cheque out to ‘Greyhounds As Pets NSW Limited’ and post to Greyhounds As Pets NSW Ltd, PO Box 698 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300.
DIRECT DEPOSIT: BSB: 062-107, Account number: 11278354, Account name: Greyhound As Pets NSW Ltd, Reference: your name and ‘GAP Donation’.
Although thinking about making a bequest in your will may be a daunting notion, please consider what a wonderful legacy you could make towards many Greyhounds lives. Leaving a bequest of any size will be utilised to assist the Greyhounds in our care through provision of day to day upkeep and working toward large long term goals for our program.
If you wish to make a bequest in your will it is import to obtain the correct wording to ensure your intentions are met. Below is recommended wording:
“I give to the ‘Greyhounds As Pets NSW Ltd, ABN: 48614067024’,_______% of my Estate, OR ______% of the residue of my Estate, OR I give to the ‘Greyhounds As Pets NSW Ltd , ABN: 48614067024’ the sum of $______ to be used for its general purposes. The receipt of an authorised officer of the ‘Greyhounds As Pets NSW Ltd, ABN: 48614067024’ will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee.”
Your Trustee or Solicitor will be able to advise you in respect to the correct wording for the bequest clause in your will. The ‘Greyhounds As Pets NSW Ltd’ is not authorised or qualified to provide legal advice.
If you wish to make a bequest to Greyhounds As Pets NSW Ltd in your will, please inform our staff so this can be recorded at our end.