Jessica Fox and her adopted grey Miss Pink step out in style

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March 04, 2023 08:55
The latest Greyhounds As Pets NSW campaign, featuring Olympic Champion in Canoe Slalom, Jessica Fox, has been praised for its stunning and stylish approach to pet adoption awareness.

The campaign featured in Stellar magazine, with the help of editor Sarrah Le Marquand, has set a new standard for bringing the message of greyhound adoption to a wider market.

The biggest misconception about Greyhounds is that they require so much exercise, but they're actually rather lazy," Fox tells Stellar. Fox says that while black dogs can be difficult to home due to a perception that they are less photogenic, she embraced (her greyhound) Miss Pink, who is now turning grey.

"My intention was to help out a dog," she explains. Jess Fox now regards seven-year-old Miss Pink as the most beautiful dog in the world: "I wasn't going to pick and choose; I just wanted a female who didn't need too much training or attention, although you don't need to be experienced to adopt. It's easy to pick up."

The use of high-end designer labels, such as Zimmerman for Fox's wardrobe and Animal Studio for the greyhounds' fancy collars, has made a bold statement and caught the attention of edgy, female fashion-forward, lifestyle readers.

The campaign has inspired more adoption application interest and raised awareness for adopting and fostering greyhounds. Greyhounds As Pets has expressed gratitude to Jess Fox for her commitment and passion for the cause.

The response to the campaign has been valuable, with social media hundreds of GAP and Stellar Social Media Followers commenting positively to the stunning and fashionable representation of the greyhounds.

Overall, the campaign has brought attention to greyhound rehoming, showing that these magnificent dogs make wonderful and stylish companions for families and individuals.

Jess Fox and now adopted GAP Greyhound Ghost