Why you should use a short leash on your greyhound

By gapnsw.com.au
November 09, 2022 11:00
Given the gentle temperament of greyhounds and the fact that they generally don’t
pull on the lead, it can be tempting to think that using a long lead and allowing
greyhound's greater freedom to explore is a good idea.
Despite their gentle nature, you cannot forget that greyhounds have inherent traits
that are built into their DNA and can override your training. Here’s why you
should always keep your greyhound on a short leash:


Greyhounds are torpedoes on land, they can go from zero to 70km/h in just three
strides. Yes, you read that correctly - 3 strides from this impressive canine can
exceed (and almost double) the speed limit allowable for cars through school zones.
When they are in this mode, they are not concentrating on you. Their bodies are filled with adrenaline and your commands to stop will
not break their laser-focused ambition.
As you can imagine, having a long leash in this situation makes it dangerous for you
and your dog. Injuries can easily be sustained from the sudden (and powerful) pull
on your wrist and shoulder, let alone injuries from being bowled over through sheer
velocity. Your dog may also sustain injuries to its neck and shoulders should it
experience a sudden pull in the other direction. Give the GAP team a call to talk about the ideal leash length of a greyhound and they’ll be able to point you in the right direction and also show you the best way to hold the leash securely too.

Their amazing eyesight

Greyhounds (otherwise known as sight hounds) have amazing eyesight. They can
see something the size of a football from almost 1km away. This could trigger a
reaction which you are not prepared for to something you can’t even see. Remain alert to your greyhound.
Short leashes allow for greater control which will help you to manage unpredictable
situations like if your greyhound is approached by an aggressive dog or becomes
fixated on something in the distance.