Signs of osteosarcoma

November 04, 2022 15:19
As dog lovers, we don’t like to think about the time when we need to say goodbye to our beloved companions but the reality is we will outlive them. That’s why it’s important to ensure we give them the best life possible by keeping them happy and healthy.

For this reason, it's important that you pay attention to health issues that your dog breed may be more susceptible to, as well as a keen eye on any signs of changes in your pooch.

One of the major and often fatal health issues that can affect dogs is osteosarcoma (otherwise known as bone cancer).  It is the most common type of primary bone cancer in dogs and is thought to account for 95% of all bone tumours.

Larger or taller dogs are more prone to developing osteosarcoma, which usually occurs in the front limbs near the shoulder, wrist and knee. Unfortunately, osteosarcoma is extremely aggressive and can spread quickly to other parts of the body so early diagnosis is critical.

Not a lot is known about the cause of osteosarcoma, and unfortunately, the signs can be quite subtle. Here's what you should look out for:

Signs of osteosarcoma:
  • An inability to use a limb (like their shoulder or knee) coupled with swelling
  • Development of a mass under the skin (eg. in their head or jaw)
  • Difficulty eating or being put off their food - particularly if swelling has been found in the jaw
  • Seizures or being unsteady on their feet
  • Difficulty breathing
  • General lethargy that doesn’t go away
If in doubt, do not wait. Make a phone call or appointment with your Vet immediately so that they can conduct the right tests to diagnose your pooch.
This may include X-rays, biopsies and CT scans, and blood and urine tests to determine whether your dog's condition.