**I'm currently in a foster home, a unit apartment in the city - Reach out to GAP for more info!*
Foster Care Update!
"He is very confident with people, he is very sweet and affectionate and loves greeting new people (and they love him). From the start he was always coming up to us for pets and cuddles. He has been very good at learning how to go down the steps slowly and carefully. He has been very good when we leave the house. And he doesn’t cry at night either, he’s perfectly happy in his bed until we come out to take him on his morning walk.
He loves walking, but he can only walk for 10-15 minutes or less before becoming quite tired due to the extra exertion of walking on three legs. Which makes him a very low maintenance dog!
He really only needs a short morning and evening walk/toilet break, maybe some exercise in the backyard at lunch (he loves playing fetch with his soft toys). Otherwise he’s very happy to snooze the day away. Another great thing is that he loves his food but has no interest in human food - Buzz is perfectly happy lying down next to us when we eat. He’s very well toilet trained, no accidents inside."
While I am incredibly confident with being out and about and using stairs, a house with a flat accessible yard is best. I also love small children, however also love licking faces and can have a bit of energy, so older children are preferable to share my home with. I am also A-M-A-Z-I-N-G with training! I know “bed”, my name, “down” and my recall is un-bee-lievable. I would love to bee friends with other dogs of a medium/large size and would happily share my hive with them.
So don’t bee a stranger, make a bee-line to the Western Sydney Adoption Centre to meet me today!
Application Process
Take a look at all our greyhounds for adoption here